Sociology majors, here’s what you can do with your degree

Being a sociology major, you probably hear people asking you what you’re going to do with your sociology degree a lot. I did too, so I get how it feels. So here are some encouraging words and a list of potential careers.

When I was studying sociology in university, I was often asked what I can do with my degree after I graduated. I wasn’t 100 percent sure at first. I knew I wanted to major in sociology because it was so interesting to me, but didn’t know what I wanted to work as or what type of career I wanted after I graduated from university (well, I had an idea, but wasn’t sure if I could do it).

After being asked this question multiple times by friends and family, I decided to do some research into the potential careers that I could have. Lucky for me, there is a thing called Google, and I was able to find a bunch of lists of potential careers for sociology majors very quickly. I picked one site and looked through it, and I saw myself having a career in ALL OF THE POTENTIAL JOBS!

Over the span of about a year, I imagined myself doing all sorts of jobs. I considered going into law and becoming a legal advisor because I wanted to help people who couldn’t afford lawyers. I considered going into marketing because it seemed fun and I could make a lot of money. I considered being a sociology professor because I like to teach. However, I got lazy and didn’t want to go to grad school, so I considered becoming a high school social studies teacher because, again, I get to teach. I considered becoming a journalist because I’m a news junkie and love to write. I had so many interests and wanted to do so many things.

The thing with a sociology degree (and the thing that allowed me to get crazy over potential careers) is that you can do so many things because you learn so many skills. You learn how to think critically, write, conduct research, analyze stats, and observe society, to name a few.

So whatever it is that you choose to do, you can probably do it, as long as you know how to do it and have some work experience in that area (obviously you can’t do specialize jobs such as accounting or engineering).

But if you have no clue as to what you want to do for a job or become professionally after graduation, check out this list of potential careers. Maybe you will find something that is interesting or something you would consider doing:

  • Social Researcher
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Journalist
  • Human Services Worker
  • Police Officer
  • Demographer
  • Advertising Account Executive
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Correctional Officer (Guard, Parole Officer, Probationary Officer)
  • Counselor
  • Therapist
  • Policy Researcher
  • Teacher
  • Professor
  • Special Needs
  • Social Worker
  • Caregiver
  • Community Organizer
  • Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Worker
  • Industrial Relations Officer
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher
  • Humanitarian Aid Worker

Did this list spark any ideas?

What do you plan on becoming after you get your sociology degree? Or if you already have it, what is your career? I own a tutoring business and I also blog. But let me know what you do/plan to do in the comments.


  1. Replies
    1. A sociology degree equips graduates with valuable skills in research, analysis, critical thinking, and understanding social dynamics, making them versatile for a variety of career paths.

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  2. I am working as social researcher in private sector. I would add Evaluator of social programms on this list too.
